We went to the doctor today for Brandi's 20-week check up. They did an ultrasound and then took a couple of measurements and sent us on our way. This new doctor is great when it comes to seeing us on time and making customer service a priority.
Everything looked to be right on track. The baby is measuring everything right where it should be and we're still on track for the September 30th delivery.
The one thing we wanted to find out today was the sex of the baby, and of course, the baby wasn't cooperating. Looks as though the baby is already showing my smart-assness, which is a good sign. The baby had somehow gotten itself into a seemingly impossible position where his/her feet were above his/her head. Add to that the cord was in the way, and the baby's hand was covering up its privates. Apparently, baby is modest. So we'll be going back in a few weeks for another ultrasound and hopefully the baby will be cooperative. It was nice to see that everything's coming along well and that the baby's fine.
Here's Brandi showing off her baby bump.