Wednesday, November 12, 2008

In the Garage

I guess it's turning out to be a week of videos. I'm trying to play catch up on my NaNoWriMo novel this week and I'm not thinking of much else at this point. Originally, I was going to post Weird Al's White & Nerdy today, but there is no embed code on youtube (so I'll just link to it). There are four or five things I can directly relate to in that video, but I'll let you guess which.

Instead, here's a video that a guy made with one of my favorite (if not my all time favorite) Weezer songs. I love this song. It really speaks to me and the geek that I am. So turn it up and enjoy.

Current NaNo stats: Word count = 16,296; Words needed to catch up = 3,708; Is the plot coming together? I certainly hope so.

1 comment:

vince said...

Wierd Al and Weezer. Who could ask for more? Except, of course, time to write. Which seems like it's just not gonna happen. But when you work for yourself, you tend to be very happy people want you to do work for them, even when it mucks up plans you had for doing things like writing.


Off to work now.